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Local Governing Body

Contacting the Local Governing Body


Mr N Moore
Chair of the Local Governing Body

  • By Post – Mr N Moore – Chair of the Local Governing Body
    Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Ashbourne Academy
    The Green Road
    DE6 1EP
  • By Email – enquiries@queenelizabeths.derbyshire.sch.uk

The Local Governing Body consists of two committees


The Curriculum Committee 
Louise Davies is the Chair of the Wellbeing Committee.

The Curriculum Committee is tasked with monitoring tracking and evaluating rates of progress by all students and ensuring that a broad and balanced curriculum is available and accessible to all students.


The Wellbeing Committee
Mr Nick Flux is the Chair of the Wellbeing Committee.

The Wellbeing Committee is tasked with monitoring tracking and evaluating behaviour, attendance and general well-being of all students. Ensuring Safeguarding is complied with and managed effectively for Students and Staff and monitoring performance of staff and other HR matters.

This document shows details of individuals who have served as a Local Governor in the last 12 months (inc. attendance record).

QEGS Local Governing Body Information

The is the chief decision making body for the The QEGS Local Governing Body has NO associate members.

Meet the Governors


Nick lives in Ashbourne and has a son in the school, and also two other children were at QEGS in the past. Nick is a director of an investment and asset management company and works in operations.

Register of Business Interest:

Employed by and Position Held: BAM PPP UK Ltd – Operations Director

Other Positions Held:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð

Personal relationships with staff at QEGS:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð

Financial Interests:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð



Appointed by: Chair of Governors

Date of appointment: 01/09/2017

Date Term of office expires: 01/09/2025

Liz B

Liz Braithwaite has over 25 years of experience in the teaching sector and is an experienced executive senior leader with a demonstrated history of working within executive leadership both within the maintained and academy sectors of education. Skilled in educational compliance, safeguarding, mental and physical pupil wellbeing, literacy curriculum advisor, ITT, Governance, and educational consultancy, she has worked within Academy Trusts as either Headteacher or Executive central team member since 2011 and is now currently supporting numerous schools as an independent Safeguarding and Compliance Specialist. She upholds a true commitment to helping implement inclusion and social cohesion in all settings bringing communities together as well as working to provide families and professionals with the best assistance possible.

Register of Business Interest:

Employed by and Position Held: None

Other Positions Held: None

Personal relationships with staff at QEGS: None

Financial Interests: None

Hospitality: None


Appointed by: Chair of Governors

Date of appointment: 21st November 2023

Date Term of office expires: 20th November 2026

LDA Staff Photo Copy

Liam joined the Governing Body as a Foundation Governor (representing the Old Trust) in 2022. He has worked at QEGS since 2014 as a member of the Support Staff and attended as a student. Liam is an active member of the Ashburnian Society, the QEGS FPTA and attends all Full Board and Wellbeing Sub Committee Meetings. 

Register of Business Interest:

Employed by and Position Held: Ïã¸ÛÂí¾­ÂÛ̳, Creative & Digital Services Officer at QEGS

Other Positions Held: None

Personal relationships with staff at QEGS:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð

Financial Interests:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð



Appointed by: The Old Trust/Chair of Governors

Date of appointment: 31/10/2022

Date Term of office expires: 30/10/2026


Louise has two daughters, one at QEGS and one at Ashbourne Primary School. Louise spent 20 years in the online research and software industry before taking a career sabbatical to spend more time with her family. Louise is also currently volunteering as Treasurer for both Ashbourne and District Swimming Club and Ashbourne Primary PTA and is Assistant Coach for the Ashbourne Aztecs girls football team.

Register of Business Interest:

Employed by and Position Held: N/A

Other Positions Held: None

Personal relationships with staff at QEGS:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð

Financial Interests:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð



Appointed by: Parents

Date of appointment: 27/11/2020

Date Term of office expires: 26/11/2024


Nick is born and bred in Derbyshire and has lived in Ashbourne for 17 years with his wife, and now three children. Professionally Nick is a Chartered Accountant working in risk and quality within the accounting profession. Nick has over 20 years experience as a leader within Scouting and is a Cub leader locally. He is also a rugby coach and is currently coach for the year 7 – 13 girls’ team which is linked between the school and Ashbourne Rugby Union Football Club. Nick has a child at the school and is one of our Community Governors.

Register of Business Interest:

Employed by and Position Held: Chartered Accountant

Other Positions Held: Trustee, 2nd Ashbourne Scout Group

Personal relationships with staff at QEGS:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð

Financial Interests:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð



Appointed by: Elected by LGB, Chair of Governors

Date of appointment: 24/03/2022

Date Term of office expires: 23/03/2026


Mr Garrity is now in the 21st year of his career in education which has included teaching and leading teams in Merseyside and Cheshire, eventually arriving at Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Ashbourne Derbyshire, in 2002. Following a succession of promotions he was appointed as Headteacher in February 2016. He feels proud and privileged to lead QEGS in the next chapter of its journey. Mr Garrity attends all Governor Meetings, Standing and Sub Committee Meetings.

Register of Business Interest:

Employed by and Position Held: Ïã¸ÛÂí¾­ÂÛ̳, Headteacher at QEGS

Other Positions Held:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð

Personal relationships with staff at QEGS:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð

Financial Interests:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð



Appointed by: Ex-officio by virtue of office as headteacher

Date of appointment:Ìý01/09/2017

Date Term of office expires: n/a


Nev is a Parent Govenor, father of two children, one currently attending QEGS. He lives in an outlying village to Ashbourne where his wife runs a local business and has family ties in Tissington for circa 10 years. Nev has worked in a variety of commercial sectors (Hospitality, Finance, Supply, Marketing, Retail, Trade) and more recently Food Service and Distribution for Sysco. An advid Badminton Player, ‘Swim Dad’ ( in support of his youngest daughter) for Dove Valley Swim Club (Uttoxeter) and Dog Walking champion (according to the dogs – who would rather sleep all day).

Register of Business Interest:

Employed by and Position Held: Sysco GB – Director of Key Accounts

Other Positions Held:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð

Personal relationships with staff at QEGS:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð

Financial Interests:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð



Appointed by: Elected by LGB, Chair of Governors

Date of appointment: 14/11/2022

Date Term of office expires: 13/11/2026


Sarah has a son at QEGS. Sarah has worked in finance for 25 years in a variety of Manufacturing and IT companies.  Sarah is a trained STEM ambassador, delivering sessions into primary and secondary schools.

Register of Business Interest:

Employed by and Position Held: Director of Finance at DXC Technology

Other Positions Held: Secretary of Derby Triathlon Club

Personal relationships with staff at QEGS:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð

Financial Interests:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð



Appointed by: Parents

Date of appointment: 19/11/2021

Date Term of office expires: 18/11/2025


Nigel and his wife Maggie, who is also Ordained, retired to Ashbourne from Edinburgh in 2016. They have three married children and six grandchildren living in Leeds, Bramhall and Aylesbury.

Nigel, the Church appointed Governor, brings fifteen years of experience as an ordained Anglican Priest and over fifty years business experience including as CEO of UK Division of a Swedish nationalised industry. Principal Partner of an Accountancy Practice, Chair of a small rugby charity and volunteer management of Rugby Development Officers.

Register of Business Interest:

Employed by and Position Held: Retired

Other Positions Held: Anglican Priest serving St Oswald’s Church and the Ashbourne Group of Parishes.

Personal relationships with staff at QEGS:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð

Financial Interests:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð



Appointed by: Ex-officio

Date of appointment: 01/09/2023

Date Term of office expires: n/a


Georgy has been a Secondary School teacher for 20years, working mostly in the field of Humanities and specialising in Geography. Currently she teaches Religion, Graphics and is a Head of Year. Prior to working in education, Georgy worked several years within the Tourism Sector, in the Police Force and in various capacities voluntarily in conservation, health and wellbeing and youth organisations. Georgy is a keen advocate of Co-Curricular Activities and has successfully run the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in two schools for over 15years. Currently, she runs two afterschool clubs at QEGS – Dungeons & Dragons and Warhammer

Register of Business Interest:

Employed by and Position Held: Ïã¸ÛÂí¾­ÂÛ̳, Teacher at QEGS

Other Positions Held: None

Personal relationships with staff at QEGS:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð

Financial Interests:Ìý±·´Ç²Ô±ð



Appointed by: Chair of Governors

Date of appointment:

Date Term of office expires:

Whats involved in Being a Governor?

Role of a School Governor

Being A Parent Governor

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