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Community Observatory

We were delighted to open the QEGS Community Observatory earlier this year. The observatory was generously funded by the FPTA and is being used by students at the academy, but is also open to pupils from feeder schools. In addition the observatory is open to the community so that anyone with an interest in astronomy can request to attend organised sessions or to have a special session for their organisation or club. Although focusing on astronomy, a wide range of space science related activities are run to appeal to different interests. These activities, along with some day time observing, enable us to make full use of the observatory during the day as well as for evening sessions.

The White Peak Astronomical Observing Group donated the Celestron C14 research grade Schmidt Cassegrain astronomical telescope and mount used in the observatory. Members of the Group provide advice and practical support in using the telescope, explanation of the objects observed and in the computer processing of photographic images.

If you are interested in attending events at the observatory or arranging a session for your club or organisation, email observatory@qegs.email to ask for further details or join our mailing list.

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